Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting crafty

"wait till your husbands are nice and asleep...then sneak down and start crafting.
my husband has no idea what goes on in my nightlife." --

I saw this quote and it totally made me laugh... because I sometimes do this. :) Anyway, I have been getting a little crafty this week with two projects: a door wreath and dry erase boards for my office area. I'll start with the wreath idea (which was inspired by a pinterest re-pin). I bought all my materials from Michaels: the (fake) hydrageas, wreath, and "Z". I basically hot glued all the items to the wreath (while watching Iron Man 2 with J). 

The dry erase boards were also super easy. I bought inexpensive white frames from Michaels and scrapbook paper and placed them in the frames. The glass is super wipe-able with the dry erase markers. I love the way they look. I plan on decorating more of the space with pictures and quotes as I get around to it. But at least, it's a start. 

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