Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day.
My mom and our family friend made this cute fruit baby salad. They did a really awesome job!
My mother-in-law had this adorable cake made by my favorite bakery based on the invitations. It was so delicious (yes, I cheated on my gestational diabetes diet for a day).
I forgot to take a photo with all the other yummy food out. But, it was delicious. We had tea sandwiches, Buffalo chicken dip, veggies, and cheese. There was also a delicious punch that I had a sip from. :)
My mom made these chocolate baby rattles, which were adorable.
A lot of our friends and family traveled quite a distance to make it, and I was so happy they were able to come!
My mom and I
My mother-in-law and J's grandparents gift, which was quite the elaborate wrapping job (the gift was our stroller frame)!
Lamp for the baby room (a gift from my mom and aunt).
Two of my sorority sisters!
And my lovely hostess and I. I love that we inadvertently had matching dresses! I had so much fun at the shower and it really was a great day! Thank you to everyone who came!
I figured I would also share some of our updated nursery pictures with the goodies from the shower in there. The room is looking much less sparse now!
I should also add a huge thank you to the friends who weren't able to come to the shower and are sending us gifts! I am behind with thank you cards at this point, but we have absolutely loved everything! You all are so wonderful!
The quilt on the bed was made by one of my friends, who has her own blog. If you are interested in the details of the quilt, you can check out her post!
I really love our changing pad, which is easy to wipe down, which I know will be useful!
Oh, and I finally got the mobile hanging (with some help from J).
The sheep is a white noise generator, which I think is super cute! :)
Oh, and I love our diaper pail! It really goes well with the room, and seems like it will keep the smells contained. :) I also love all the books we have been getting. We have a bookshelf coming, so not all of them are pictured. We also received some swaddle blankets, which I am excited to use!
Anyway, that's all I have for now! Thanks again everyone!