Sunday, July 15, 2012

Using my birthday gifts

It's been a rough month for blogging around here. We really haven't been home all that much to begin with, and it's been hard to get up motivation for the days we have been around. So, here is my post about doing some odds and ends this weekend. Last weekend, we went to North Carolina to visit with some of our friends from college. It was definitely a good time, and we enjoyed seeing everyone. Since it was so hot, we spent the majority of the time by the pool, which was super relaxing. Good times.

Anyway, back around here. I have been working on a few things. As you may remember, my dad has been bringing me some of his old frames including the one pictured below. I found the flower (leaves?) at Michael's and framed them. I thought with all the chrome in the half bath, this frame would do nicely in there.

I paired it with an Anthropologie "Z" that my friend had bought me for my birthday! I am thinking about adding two more things underneath for balance, but this is a good start. And it definitely helps to have some artwork in there. The walls had been looking pretty bare.

This shows the new towel and plate that my parents got me for my birthday. I may put some potpourri in the little dish at some point.

And here is the "trash can" I had painted white for this room (quotes because it was originally a flower pot).

Also, I finally finished the 2000 piece puzzle that J had gotten me for my birthday. I have been working on it off and on over the past month and a half! The trees were pretty tough to do. We actually had visited this castle about a year before we tied the knot. 

And remember my closet? How I took off the door so I could actually see my clothes? Well, that has functionally been working out great. But aesthetically, it needed some help.

For my birthday, my parents had bought me a curtain that would go perfectly here (okay - they asked what I wanted and I picked it out). So I grabbed a curtain rod at Target and installed it using their super easy instructions.


I really love the way it works in this space. There were definitely too many doors before, and this feels like it adds some balance to the master bath area.

That's all for today. No demo-ing walls, large paint jobs, etc. I promise I will get back to that. I have a running list of projects in mind. It is just about finding the time and motivation. So stay tuned! :) Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend! 

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